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Emilee Rader

Associate Professor @ the University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Brick by brick: Iterating interventions to bridge the achievement gap with virtual peers

by: Emilee Rader, Margaret Echelbarger and Justine Cassell


We lay out one strand of a continuing investigation into the development of a virtual peer to help children learn to use “school English” and “school-ratified science talk”. In this paper we describe a detailed analysis of a corpus of child-child language use, and report our findings on the ways children shift dialects and ways of discussing science depending on the social context and task. We discuss the implications of these results for the redesign of a virtual peer that can evoke language behaviors associated with student achievement. Furthermore, our results allow us to describe the ways in which this virtual agent can tailor its level of interaction based on a child’s current aptitude in this area.


Emilee Rader, Margaret Echelbarger and Justine Cassell. “Brick by brick: Iterating interventions to bridge the achievement gap with virtual peersCHI 2011. Vancouver, BC, Canada. May 2011.

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