Emilee Rader bio photo

Emilee Rader

Associate Professor @ the University of Wisconsin-Madison

CV Email



  • the links for the top navigation bar are at _data > navigation.yml

How to add a paper

Files for papers are located in _posts. Name of each file needs to be formatted like 2016-10-19-ijhcs-surprise.md

Documentation for Publication Formats

All layout: is which layout to use for displaying the paper – journal, conference, workshop, bookchap, magazine, working type: is the way the reference is formatted – journal, conference, workshop, bookchap, magazine, working category: how to break up the list of publications – journal, conference, workshop, bookchap, magazine, working tags: sort papers into projects – security, privacy, curation, ihiring title author year file abstract: yes or no – text of the abstract is the content of the file

Journal (journal) journal volume number pages Archival Conference (conference) conference month year city pages acmdl doi appendix Conference Proceedings, Workshop Papers and Posters (workshop) workshop papertype: Poster, Full Paper month year city Book Chapter (bookchap) book editor publisher pages isbn Magazine (magazine) magazine volume number pages doi link Working Paper (working) month year


layout: type: category: tags: title: author: year: file: abstract:

journal: conference: workshop: papertype: book: magazine: institution:

volume: number: month: city:

editor: publisher:


acmdl: link: doi: isbn:

appendix: award: —