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Emilee Rader

Associate Professor @ the University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Just email it to me! Why things get lost in shared file repositories

by: Emilee Rader


Shared file repositories are a type of user-contributed content application used by workgroups to store and share files online. Their use in organizations is becoming more frequent; however, repository users are not always able to effectively find and access information, especially when files in the repository have been created and maintained by others. Through field studies involving current users of shared file repositories, I will document and analyze the scope and consequences of the problem. In addition, I will test hypotheses about possible remedies through a series of experiments exploring the effects of common ground on folder hierarchy and naming structure, and the ability of users to find and access files in group information management systems.


Emilee Rader. “Just email it to me! Why things get lost in shared file repositories.”Doctoral Consortium, at the 12th ACM international conference on Supporting group work (GROUP). Sanibel Island, FL. November 2007.

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